Journal 36 -Empathy Exercise

2014 After i graduated from Higher Nitec in Visual Merchandising i trying to apply Diploma in Polytechnic from many year unsuccessful. I planned to apply NAFA again i submit my Portfolio and some of Graphic design so i choose Graphic Communication quite similar with my Visual Merchandising what i learnt before.

In School life starting from Nafa this year I hope to getting more opportunities in this school I wish I can working more hard as well learning more experience from the lecturers in school. I want to show my design on the exhibition in school and public. I worry is about my presentation during the project one of my weakness I hope I can be speak more and understanding own design description.
I scare about doing Group project since I studied in ite 6 years I got alot of experience during that time even now in Nafa I worry is my teams or friends they will do on the task I given? Some more we all need to face not just school project we also face someone in the world. Now I study Nafa I used my own way to lead ny members "example: learning, helping from each others who needs help. "
I planning after graduate from Diploma in Graphic Communication. I will be apply on MOE taking 2 years in NIE Diploma Education / Art teaching I able to get more teaching experience how to understand students empathy before teaching in Primary or secondary or ite.

This year on July i came out the ideas to making own studio maybe in the future.
Making own branding on Merchandising such as Graphic design on T Shirt, Recycle bag, Sport wear to ran on the retail marketing.
Try to came out own studio helping and teaching peoples to understand more in Media and Design
I coming out the course Media and Design. More focus in Arts and Design, Visual Merchandising, Packaging design.

Teaching them how to displaying the product on the store, POP (Point of Purchase) , what trend to display on the Window display and store layout.
Learn how to make Typographer, Logo.


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