
Showing posts from September, 2016

My latest work to do in School Project?

Yes! The Monkey King" Journey To The West" will be my first project I wanna do in NAFA ! I am the Huge Fans of Journey to the West since I was in Primary School. In 2015 this 星皓电影 industry in my weibo they feedback about it , quite alot of their local like my design and ideas about the movie. 星皓电影 is one of " The Monkey King" production if you seen the movie 西游记之大闹天宫 ,西游记之孙悟空三打白骨精” even they will be continue The Monkey King 3 in 2018 Chinese New Year! What to you think? See more my design "The Monkey King" showcase on Noise Singapore! Below image is one of my design.

Future Plan making own design

I started making own design since graduate in ite since 2014. Those Typography will be my latest Phrase 1 for my Graphic Communication project in 2017. Stay tune for more update!

Meaningful Steve Jobs Quotes and my experience i had been over 6 years.

I find some of Steve Jobs meaningful Quotes. Yes you are an designer you must follow your own passion what you willing to do on your future never say give up! Why Steve Jobs can successful making and selling his own products 'APPLE'? Creative is come from your mindset what you ready want to do for your goal you really want to achieve it! Not stay there do nothing.  I want to share my experience when i at home or Holiday i starting to do Graphic, own production promoting on social network i at home not so free. Trying to connecting my work over the network even own Facebook Page keep upload own design.  You want to become a great designer ? Keep planning your goal. For suggestion you must confident on your own design and believe it! TIR:)


Come and Like our Brand new Happy Talk !! Only on Facebook Page!


1. Phone- Is the View Finder to view people life and social media. 2. Sneaker lock like car.

New Look New Comic Animation Icon!


Project 2: 3D Fundamental

Final of Planar Construction. -Doing research -Thumbnail Sketch -final design mock up I came out the design of Building using Arts Card. Taking the photo of the view of my own mock up then final I do both perspective view.

Final Project 3D Fundamental

I trying to came out the ideas to design a Furniture of Chair for my final 3D Fundamental project. I learned in 2008 Nitec Product design before last time i wanna try to design a chair in this module. Last i was learnt mock up during the second year Mr Kenny taught us how to use a Blue phone to make a mock up on own product ' Vacuum clearer'  Doing research any types of design on Serial Planar Construction.  Starting drawing 10 concept ideas.  I using form board do Serial Planar Construction to form into a Chair. Now just doing a mock up. I will getting a sand paper to make both sides to be like curve and smooth when looking on the chair. What my 3D lecture have comment i need more curve on my chair look more nice in the view. Week 5 will be the final.

Journal 36 -Empathy Exercise

2014 After i graduated from Higher Nitec in Visual Merchandising i trying to apply Diploma in Polytechnic from many year unsuccessful. I planned to apply NAFA again i submit my Portfolio and some of Graphic design so i choose Graphic Communication quite similar with my Visual Merchandising what i learnt before. In School life starting from Nafa this year I hope to getting more opportunities in this school I wish I can working more hard as well learning more experience from the lecturers in school. I want to show my design on the exhibition in school and public. I worry is about my presentation during the project one of my weakness I hope I can be speak more and understanding own design description. I scare about doing Group project since I studied in ite 6 years I got alot of experience during that time even now in Nafa I worry is my teams or friends they will do on the task I given? Some more we all need to face not just school project we also face someone in the world. Now I stu...

Journal 35

FREESTYLE I design a Creative Pencil . When you want to drawing u can change it to pencil as you want to do writing you change into pen. Easy to use ! Able to change when using in lesson. Features: USB Pencil and Pen changer Buy it from the Bookshop' Freestyle'

Journal 34- Treasure Hunt

We having the group Presentation of Creative Thinking about Treasure Hunt. 1)Car look like Foods 2) Reflection Window 3) Natual Spiral

JOURNAL 32 Pokemon Go coming to the Apple Watch!!

Pokemon is new way in Apple Watch playing Pokemon GO. We are the Pokemon Fans! Since 90s the First release Pokemon game is Gameboy i started playing Pokemon game from my cousin's gameboy i play is Pokemon Red, Blue, Yellow and Green.  I not playing Pokemon game i am the anime fan love to watch Pokemon Anime series. On this 2016 Pokemon starting in new way to playing Pokemon Game that featuring new way to play Pokemon in real world when came out on July 2016 on Pokemon GO. There are billions of fans downloading on i tune and Google Play. I would like to share this video then announce by Apple. Wow Pokemon go coming to Apple watch that featuring the same way you play from your Android or i phone.  Last time the most popular game on Android is Candy Crush, Angry Birds in the past few years in 2012 before 2016 Pokemon Go just came out few month ago 100 millions of down loader around the worldwide. Others from Pokemon Company in Pokemon Go Plus ...