
Showing posts from August, 2016

Journel 31

On the Creative thinking we learnt how to lead your own goal in the future. 1. Manage the team as leader doing project 2. Start to making own team for the studio 3. How to earn profit for the studio? 4. Learn more short courses

Journal 30 : Class Exercise

Imagine this room: the window on  the back is open.  In front of the window there is a  table with a vase,  in which a fresh rose stands.  A painting of flowers  hangs on the opposite wall  (at the whiteboard area). A bee flies into the room  through the open window, straight to the painting and  not the rose. WHY? WHY? -First Bee filying  outisde the window.It smell the  flower inside the house. Early Summer / Late-Summer  and Fall Bee Flowers -Second Bee fly over the Vase which a Rose stands. why? Because rose not like sunflower is a great, compact  variety for honeybees and the  garden.  (Early Summer) Pale Purple Coneflower  Common yarrow Sunflowers Blue Giant Hyssop Horsemint Purple Coneflower Black-eyed Susan Late-Summer and Fall  Bee Flowers Asters Joe-Pye Weeds Goldenrods -Third Bee fly to the Painting of flowers. WHY? Because the painting of F...

Valor Gym

I am the TiR as well my Pokemon Go account call Ash Satoshi i wish to come the real Pokemon Master. I caught 245 Pokemon i main Pokemon is Blastoise, Pikachu, Raichu, Pidgeot and Ivysaur. Sound a bit  similar with Ash's pokemon. I started play Pokemon game since i was very young my first experience is playing Gameboy Pokemon Yellow, Red, Green, Silver. I planning to making own Gym!  My first time having fun catch Pokemon in real life. My next dream i wannabe come Pokemon Master.

Journal 28 -The Starry Night

The Starry Night is an oil on canvas by the Dutch post-impressionist painter Vincent van Gogh. Painted in June 1889, it depicts the view from the east-facing Window of his asylum room at Saint-Remy-de-Provence, just before sunrise, with the addition of an idealized village. It has been in the permanent collection of the Museum of Modern Art in New York City since 1941, acquired through the Lillie P. Bliss Bequest. It is regarded as among Van Gogh's finest works, and is one of the most recognized paintings in the history of western culture.

Journal 27- Seth Godin: How to get your ideas to spread

How to get your ideas to spread? -Cause the change that you want to change , to happen, is to figure out a ideas to spread. The Century of ideas diffusion  At the heart of spreading ideas is TV and stuff like TV. (TV and mass media made it easy to spread in a certain way.) THE TV- INDUSTRIAL COMPLEX    Buy Ads> Get More Distribution > Sell More Product> Make a Profits Remarkable mean 'neat', 'worth making a remark about'. that is the essence of where ideas diffusion is going.


What is the different between Brainstorming and Mind Mapping? Brainstorming is to figure out the way what you going to do. Mind Mapping mostly using for doing Project and Business as well design. Examples: 'Product' : Target Market, Competitor , Materials, Colours, Features, Promotes.

Journal 24 -Tony Fadell :The first secret of designing... noticing

Key Point: Nonconformist 'who does not conform to, or refuses to be bound by, accepted beliefs, customs, or practices.  Habituate ' we didn't, we'd notice every little detail all the time.' Sometime Habituate isn't good if it stops us from noticing a problems that are around us and if not stops us from noticing and fixing problems then that's really bad.  Tacling Problem 'There are a lot of steps that lead a problem and sometimes, a lot of steps after it, take step back and look broader. Take themostates , for instance.

Journal 25- Way ,Think, Wonder Mind Mapping

During the lesson of Creative thinking we learnt how to doing a Mind Mapping actually not my first time learning to do Brainstorming since ite in Product Design. In Creative Thinking i learn the 50 Way, 10 Think and  10 Wonder to Kill A Cockroach. Learn what is your first step you need to do, second you will thinking where, when and final what you be solve problem in Wonder just like doing design. What i learnt from Nitec in Product Design Brainstorming also can just for ideas in Conceptualization to figure out to design your product such as competitors, Group Target, Mood, Materials before you start doing your Concept ideas, Mood Board, 2D Visualization , 3D and Final Mock Up as well Presentation Board.

Finalize my 3D Fundamental Mock Up Line Design

A  I  R  Curve Movement -Air or Wind Curve Movement From The Left To Right using your imagination. -Using the Single Wire to create the Wind Curve Line Combination of the movement of Wind and Air.

My Robi update !

My Robi roll out in new look new colour in 2017! Become his fans now on  Iron Robi & Wall E  Facebook page!

Pop Display

Robi Pop Display in 7 Eleven What is Pop Display? In Pop call Point of Purchase. Showing in the outlets or department stores you able to see it. Display the latest/ new product/ new release/ promotion for any merchandises. What Visual Merchandise need to design the POP DISPLAY and Price Tag as well for customers to see the product. By Eric

Today Lunch🍴🍴

New Manlee 肉骨茶 #photography #Singapore

Robi new paint over

Spraying the top robi head, left arm, scarf, ear in red.

My production 制作作品 '钱战风云' Money War teaser look Trailer

Visit me on Noise Singapore!

I showcase my work such as Typography, Photography, Graphic design, Window Display and Characher design on Noise Singapore.

Paint over my Robi Concept ideas.

I using Photoshop to make my own ideas how remake Robi in many type of colours. In the future did you realize we will be living with the Robot? Not just seeing Sci Fi Movies or Tv Series? Yes , did you believe they will be helping us for cleaning our house, cook, driving, ever taking care your child in the future? Imagine of Iron Man flying in the city to save the World.

JOURNAL 16: Steven johnson where good ideas come from

Steven  Johnson where good ideas come from  Creative Thinking  Ideas to individual "Eureka!" moments,  FLASH STROKE EPIPHANY  EUREKA LIGHT BULB  Flash, Stroke, Epiphany, Eureka and Light Bulb as kind of rhetorically florid. An ideas is Single thing. In a Wonderful illuminating moment.  Automobile parts Product : Neonatal incubator call Neonatal Device .    Featuring : Car parts all inside the Neonatal Incubator got fans, headlights for warmth, door chimes for alarm, car battery.

Journal 15

#‎ Creativethinking‬  Brainstorming look like my previous @itespore Higher Nitec Visual Merchandising Design Thinking Effective module. Quite Similar.. But no Journal XD

Journal 14 On the way to @nafa_sg First go pray at Guanyin Temple every Monday and Tuesday. #photography
