
Showing posts from June, 2016

My 2016 Life

This is year 2016 May is my first Surprise ever! :) Get to the Host from Taiwan he name is Qing Ming actually i never met him before after my mum introduced me to watch his's show 0101 Supernatural. I'm glad that i volunteer myself to join his 0101 Supernatural on the chat messenger on Facebook i wonder how he knew me? Quiet Surprise that was a first! i helped him to make design banner, profile picture and he very thank to me that i helped him a lot. I very happy he mention me as his Good Friend on his Facebook Page we discuss for the Future plan. He promoting me on his 0101 Facebook group and my fans page increases few days that my second Surprise. I quiet helpful and caring about friend i saw him very stressful about his show i wanna try to help him too bad i cant do anything. His's crews a lot of people i still not get it why they suggesting me of my work and passion for my show after i get temporary stopped workout with him. That was sad! As well thanks for him to...